Product Features / Workflows

Transform User Actions into Opportunities: Discover Workflows

Automated text, email, integrations, & more.

Now you can streamline your marketing using custom workflows

that allow you to follow up with leads and sell while you're taking a break!

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What are workflows and why do I need them?

Having workflows set up for your business can help you to automatically collect sales, leads, and conversions without having to lift a finger. This would then allow you as the business owner to focus on more pressing/important tasks at hand.

Here's How It Works...

Maximize Efficiency with Automation

Set your marketing strategy on autopilot with our advanced workflow automation. With Rocket Notes, you can automate tasks like emails, texts, and calls based on specific user actions.

From a new lead coming in to a customer making a purchase, you'll never miss an opportunity to engage and convert. This means less time spent on manual tasks and more time to focus on growing your business.

Customize User


Every customer is unique, and their experiences should be, too. With our customizable workflows, you can tailor interactions to each user's behavior.

Craft unique journey for your leads, curating the experience that maximizes engagement and conversion. Turn prospects into customers, and customers into loyal fans, by delivering what they need, when they need it.

React in Real-Time

React immediately to user actions with Rocket Notes workflows. Whether it's a welcome email for a new subscriber or a follow-up call for a lead, ensure your brand is responsive and agile.

By reacting in real time, you'll keep your brand at the forefront of your customers' minds, improving engagement and ultimately, conversion rates.

Unleash the Power of Personalization

Rocket Notes lets you transform data into actionable insights. By triggering workflows based on user behavior, you can deliver personalized content and actions that resonate.

From individual follow-up emails to specific product recommendations, personalization drives customer satisfaction and loyalty. With Rocket Notes, the sky truly is the limit when it comes to creating personalized user experiences.

Start creating customized experiences

for your customers!

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Rocket Notes provides you with everything necessary to take your products to the market and sell them online.

In addition, we have funnels that will bring customers to you!

Ready to automate your follow up?

Create workflows to automatically follow up with any lead or purchase.

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