If We Could Help You Get Just ONE New Client Per Month, For $97/Mo,
Would You Take That Offer?

This page is a quick read, taking just 5 minutes, and you'll need only a minute to make a decision.

Let me introduce you to our Skool community, Real Estate Closing Academy.

We are dedicated to empower real estate agents like you to consistently attract and convert both buyers and sellers into paying clients each month, for just $97.

Believe it or not, even when we were less known, we were still making impressive earnings with the little skillset that we had.

We've been navigating this crazy roller coaster real estate business for over two decades, experiencing successes, setbacks, and invaluable life lessons.

Deciding to be a real estate agent, is not an easy stroll in the park.

It's a daily mixture of highs and lows, coupled with the persistent question, "Am I cut out for this?"!

Many of our students were asking themselves that question before they joined our community.

We owe everything to our dedication and passion.

Because of that, we have greatly improved our financial situation, much more than we ever thought possible.

And we owe it all to real estate.

We believe that real estate is the number one way to accomplish all your life goals.

There's only two things that you really need to know in order to crush this business.

#1 - How to ATTRACT buyer and seller leads and ...
#2 - How to CONVERT buyer and seller leads.

Because everything else, it's just paperwork.

Had we possessed the knowledge we have now back then, our journey would've been not have been so painful and we would made it much faster.

When we first got licensed, like most agents, we thought this business was going to be easy.

Somehow we envisioned a HGTV lifestyle showing property all day and writing offers.

We were wrong.

We quickly realized that real estate school only prepared us enough to pass the test, and that our warm market was not going to last forever.

We needed leads.

So we starting buying leads from every source imaginable.

Bold Leads
Home Values

You name it, we tried them all.

Some were good, others were bad.

But, there is one thing we realized.

We were buying leads retail, and we needed to generate leads wholesale.

We thought that was going to be an easy task, but it it took three solid years of trial, errors and constant frustration.

Let's face it, the internet can be a bathroom wall of information.

It's hard to filter which people we could trust.

Who was really trying to help us.

And who was just taking our money!

Trust us, we have our horror stories.

However, we took the wins with a smile and losses on the chin.

Everything is a learning lesson.

Here's one the biggest lessons we learned;

The biggest issue with "internet leads" is how they were obtained in the first place.

They start by daydreaming about "buying that first house", or "where they would move up to next"

That leads to searching the internet.

And when they find a property they "may" be interested in, they get popped to fill in a form to become a "lead".

Then, that lead is then sold to multiple agents.

And what do leads say, if they ever pick up the phone?

Remember, they were bombarded with hundreds of emails, text messages and voicemails from 10+agent (or more)!

We have heard every excuse in the books!

😡 Take me off your list!

😡 I never filled out a form!
😡 How did you get this number!

And our favorite...

🤣 My hairdresser's an agent!

Let us help with a potential mindset issue.

What we are about to say can change your entire life!


🥁 Drum roll please.

Lead only fall into one of two buckets. Period.

Bucket #1 - They habitual house surfers, that watch way to much HGTV. They are never going to do anything. Just wasting everyone's time. or....

Bucket #2 - Sometime is happening, or may be happening, that has them looking into their options.

Listen, please listen, all you need to do is figure out which bucket they are in.

They are blowing you off because they are just sick and tired of the never ending phone calls, emails, and text messages.

You HAVE to come across as DIFFERENT!

FACT: Getting a lead, and then getting that lead to the closing table are entirely two different mindsets!

Curious, have you ever wondered any of the following?

How do I get someone who is being bombarded with agents to want to use me?

How do I brand myself to stand apart from your competition?

How do I ATTRACT clients opposed to PUSHING myself on them?

If the answer was yes, you're in luck!

Well, we cover all that in our Skool community, Real Estate Closing Academy.

We'll teach you how to get the leads using free and paid methods, and then what to say and what to do in order to convert them. (Our special sauce)

It's a recipe.

And it's DARN good!

Once you learn it, you will be closing deals consistently every month like clockwork.

Before we got into coaching, we were closing over 100 transactions per year.

All without a team and one processor.

Now, you may be asking yourself WHY we would walk away from a very successful and highly profitable real estate career to coach agents?

It's a fair question, and here's the answer:

When we were at the highlight of our career, we were accepted an invitation to attend a Tony Robbins conference called Unleash The Power Within (UPW).

If you never heard of it, here's a video that shows the highlights are what we experienced.

That one event had a long lasting trigger effect, but little did we know it was only the beginning.

We couldn't quite put our fingers on it, but something was stirring inside us.

At the UPW event, we were invited to "take the next step" and enroll in Date With Destiny which was an intensive 7 day journey directly with Tony.

😮 It was a $7500 ticket (each). (Ouch).

We were extremely nervous, that was alot of money not knowing if we would gain a return on our investment.

After praying about it, we too a leap of faith and invested the $15,000 with our fingers crossed.

The final result?

Best. Decision. Ever.

One of their taglines is, "Life will never be the same"

And not to be clique, they were completely right!

Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know!

Here's a video that highlights just one of the many life lessons we encountered.

When we walked away from Date With Destiny, we were crystal clear on what we needed to do.

More than ever before!

We had an epiphany.

And here it is....

As much as we love real estate, we were killing ourselves with our production.

Closing 100+ transactions per year creates it's own problems.

We were both getting close to being 50, and we knew that if we both continued down this path, we were going to completely miserable.

We feel that all the trouble, all the pain, all the sleepless nights led us up to this one upcoming new chapter in our lives....

We wanted to make in impact!

We felt that we had permission, from God, to quit real estate and start helping other agents avoid the trial and error we went through and provide a step by step actionable plan that anyone could follow.

Within days of that event, we went "cold turkey" and started an online coaching program to help as many agents as we can.

Although it was hard to walk away from that income, we knew that if we put our faith into God that he would guide our steps.

That's when we offered our lead generation and coaching program, Agent2Rainmaker to the public for $3800 - $4800.

Over the past seven years, we have helped over 1100 real estate agents learn our processes, and have earned over 4 million dollars teaching what we nicknamed, "The A2R Method"

We don't say that to impress you, but rather to impress upon you that if we were a fly by night company, or had an inferior product, we would have been torn alive online.

Real estate is a self policing industry 👊

But you won't find any garbage about us, because we do what we say we're going to do.

We have nothing but 5 star reviews! You can check them out below!

🏆 Hard work pays off!

We are honored for our efforts by Russel Brunson's with ClickFunnels to earn multiple 2 comma awards.

To put this into perspective, less than 10% of all businesses ever earn 1 million dollars in revenue.

In the online world, that number is less than 1% and is the equivalent of winning a Grammy!

This put us within the top 1% of internet marketers in the entire world, and was inducted into the internet hall of fame, Russel Brunson's inner circle.

Here's a fun little video we made to celebrate this milestone in our journey.

For several years, we offered Agent2Rainmaker as a self-study course for $3800 or $4800 depending on the evolution of the program.

Our students we're getting leads and closing deals like they never have before.

Watch the video below to listen to what some of our top students had to say!

We were considering retiring, but with the current state of the economy something just was not sitting right.

Over the years, Agent2Rainmaker matured and was better than ever!

We simply could not allow this to be buried in the past.

We woke up in January 2024 with another epiphany!

Why don't we just give away our entire life's work for FREE?

Would THAT make an impact?

We have already made our millions, so it's not about the money anymore.

It's about impacting agents and changing lives.

So, that's exactly what we are doing!

Giving it all away for FREE!

(Yes, we may have lost our minds)

Our prayer is that our program will help agents become as successful as they want to be.

And success means different things, for different people.

☑️ Some agents want the income.

☑️ Some agents want to spend quality time with their loved ones.

☑️ Some agents just want to help others people become homeowners.

Some agents want it all.

Regardless of your motivation, we want to help you get to your next level.

If you join our Skool community for only $97 per month, we're going to give you access to Agent2Rainmaker for no additional charge, plus coach you everyday!

Better hurry before we wake up and change our minds. 🏃‍♀️

Here's what you'll experience in our community:

✅ You will learn to develop a brand that makes people instantly attracted to you.

✅ You will be able to confidently get new clients and closings every month

✅ You will learn how to market yourself with social media, email marketing, paid ads, and everything in between.

✅ You will learn valuable life lessons and increase your self worth. You will become the best version of yourself by immensely raising your value.

✅You will meet people you would not normally have access to and build a network that builds your net worth.

✅You will have access to some of the greatest minds in the real estate lead generation world.

Monthly Training Calls - You will get a live monthly calls with Dwayne or Amanda with one new buyer or seller lead acquisition strategy and help throughout the month to implement it.

Daily Office Hours - You will get DAILY live "office hour" zoom calls to help you get un-stuck

Growth Call - You will get an initial call after you complete an initial questionnaire after joining our community with a formulated game plan specific to where you are right now.

Paid Traffic Calls- You will get access to weekly calls with our Media buyer to help you set up paid Facebook or Google Ads.

Member Spotlight - You will get one training call per month with a student who is taking our strategies and smashing it.

Recordings and replay of all calls - You can watch and rewatch every call as often as you need. You’re getting video recordings, a transcript, and even notes. We take notes so you don’t have to, but you still should.

Training Courses - You will get a collection of our best courses and trainings we released over the years ranging from $197 - $4800 in value.

Templates, Funnels & Resources - You will get our proven buyer and seller templates and follow up sequences.

Community Support - 91% of our members are fully engaged. Our community encourages our members to help each other. Our members get points whenever they post valuable content. The more points you get, the more prizes you unlock.
We hold nothing back in GCU. You’re getting advice, mentorship, and insights directly from them every day.

It’s the full stack of knowledge and skill that you’ve been searching for.

If you want to learn from two of the best real estate coaches in the world, reach new heights in your businesses, make insane connections and become a top producer..

Then Real Estate Closing Academy is the first step in your journey toward becoming the 1%. 👊

We’re going to show you everything you need to really understand how the game works at a fundamental level.

This way, you’ll know exactly what to do to grow your business with a high degree of certainty.

That’s the Real Estate Closing Academy advantage.

So if that’s what you’re for, then the last question you have is what is the price & how do you get in...

Here’s the price:

$97/month (you can cancel any time)

How to sign up:

(Click The Button Below To Watch A Video And Sign Up) 👇

🔥P.S. When you follow what we teach, you will get absolutely flooded with leads. We're trying an experiment for the next 5 days only!

In addition to all the amazing things you get for only $97 per month (including Agent2Rainmaker), you will also get our breakthrough lead management and conversion CRM.

So whatever you are using now, cancel it!

Trust us, this is better and you can save that money and apply it to something else.

Look at everything it does, all yours for FREE!

Automation Workflow


Call Record

Chat Widget



Email Builder





Reputation Management

Social Planner

Website Builder

Let AI Automatically Scrub Leads For You

Get Hundreds Of Leads Like This Every Month

Nothing But 5 Star Reviews

More Student Testimonials

We'll help you get solid phone calls from buyers and sellers searching on the internet looking to hire a local agent

(Available In Our Growth & Scale Plans)

#2 - Put $350-$500 into Paid Ads and get $10,000+ back like clockwork

#3 - We'll coach you DAILY on how to convert them with the assisted power of AI!

We Can Build You A Lead Capturing IDX Website

Available In Our Scale Plan

We Have Custom Chat GPT Prompts


The Ultimate Closing Gift Real Estate Campaign

Simply enroll your new home buyers into this Top of Mind Campaign and they’ll instantly start receiving a new touch from you every 3 months that is sure to amaze them!

Classic Long Term Nurture

This 12-month long-term nurture automation is designed to send a seasonal 5x7 greeting card each month.

FSBO Domination Automation

This automation is designed to prospect the For Sale By Owner and get them to call you using medium postcards. Who this is for: Do you want to be the Dominant Realtor for FSBOs in your area? This automation is designed for Realtors to get the attention of those crazy homeowners that think they can sell their home without you.

Buyer Geo Farm Domination Automation

This automation is designed to prospect a Geographical Farm area for targeted Buyers. There will be 5 sequenced Postcards and Greeting Cards that will go out over a 5 month period of time. Who this is for: Do you want to be the Dominant Realtor for a geographical area? This automation is designed for Realtors to obtain Buyers in a Geographical Farm Area.

Seller Geo Farm Domination Automation

This automation is designed to prospect a geographical farm area for targeted sellers. There will be 5 sequenced postcards and greeting cards that go out over a 5 month period of time. Be sure to make the necessary adjustments to the back of all touches (QR code) and the INSERT CITY field on touch #3.

Real Estate Introduction to Your Farm Area

This Automation is used by Realtors to introduce themselves to their Farm Area. This is a three shipment automation using postcards that introduce you to local prospects as not only their neighborhood Real Estate Professional but also their friendly neighbor. This automation sends out one postcard every 7 days to the recipients.

Expired Geo Farm Domination Automation

This automation is designed to prospect the Expired Listing and get them to call you. Who this is for: Do you want to be the Dominant Realtor for Expired Listings in your area? This automation is designed for Realtors to get the attention of those home owners that have an expired listing.


Student Testimonials

Once you sign up, we will send you an onboarding form.

Fill that out and we will add you to the community. Don’t forget to attend the welcome call as it has amazing insights into how to get the most out of Real Estate Closing Academy


Real Estate Closing Academy is more than a place to learn to make money. It’s a FAMILY of people working hard to help each other in their journey. They aim to make it as SIMPLE and EASY as possible. We take the “overthinking” out of real estate.

You will make connections and meet lifelong friends. They could change the entire course of your future. This is the day things turn around for you. You will gain a skill set that will give you everything you need to be successful no matter what the future holds.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please  DO NOT PURCHASE FROM  BREAK THROUGH FUNNEL, LLC